Title: Peruchazhi
Language: Malayalam
Year: 2014
Director: Arun Vaidyanathan
Produced: Vijay Babu, Sandra Thomas
Cinematography: Arvind Krishna
Music: Arrora
Lyrics: Rajeev Nair, R. Venugopal, Blaaze
Singers: Karthik, Arrora, Bombay Jayashri, Blaaze, Jyotsna Radhakrishnan, Andrea Jeremiah
Stars: Mohanlal, Aju Varghese, Baburaj, Ragini Nandwani, Mukesh, Vijay Babu, Sean James Sutton
DESCRIPTION: Peruchazhi is a 2014 Indian Malayalam-language political satirecomedy film written and directed by Arun Vaidyanathan. The dialogues were co-written by Ajayan Venugopalan. Vijay Babu and Sandra Thomas produced the film for Friday Film House. It features Mohanlal in the lead role, and Baburaj, Aju Varghese, Ragini Nandwani, Mukesh, Vijay Babu, and Sean James Sutton appear in supporting roles. Arrora compsoed the background score and soundtrack, while Arvind Krishna and Vivek Harshan did the cinematography and editing.
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