Title: Akasathinte Niram
Language: Malayalam
Year: 2012
Director: Dr. Biju
Music: Ravindra Jain
Lyrics: O.N.V.Kurup
Singers: K.J.Yesudas, Vijay Yesudas, Mahananda Baul, C.J.Kuttappan
Stars: Indrajith, Nedumudi Venu, Amala Paul, Prithviraj, Anoop Chandran, Master Govardhan
DESCRIPTION: Akasathinte Niram (The Colour of The Sky) is a 2012 Malayalam film written and directed by Dr. Biju. The film was shot entirely on the Andaman and Nicobar Islandswith a cast that includes Indrajith, Nedumudi Venu, Amala Paul and Prithviraj.The film revolves around a burglar who is trapped on a scarcely populated island and his getting to understand how nature blends with life. It premiered at the Shanghai International Film Festival in June 2012. It was subsequently screened at various film festivals where it received several honours.
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